100% navy 175g and black 195g jersey knit are back in stock along with lots of other colours. Please ask if you need longer lengths as all stock is not shown online.

Make sure you buy ballpoint or jersey knit sewing machine needles when ordering merino fabric.

We have lots of options for sewing machine needles to use with merino fabric. You need a ballpoint or jersey knit needle to sew knits so you don't make a hole in the fabric as you sew. The ballpoint tip prevents the needle from piercing and breaking the fabric fibres.

Also use with cotton knits, interlock rib knits, fleece, double knite, suede and most other knit fabrics.

We have various sizes of needle to suit the weight of the fabric and can be purchased in various brand. Schmetz, Klasse or Birch needles are all available here. https://www.newzealandmerinoandfabrics.com/collections/sewing-supplies